Upon his arrival on Earth, the infant is discovered by Son Gohan, who becomes the adoptive grandfather of the boy and gives him the name Goku. The boy is initially full of violence and aggression due to his Saiyan nature, until an accidental head injury turns him into a cheerful, carefree person.
This metamorphosis laid the foundation for the legendary hero Goku would become. He embraced Earth as his home, protecting it from looming threats while pushing his abilities beyond any imaginable limit. His story is one of courage, perseverance, and the enduring power of friendship.
Upon his arrival on Earth, the infant Saiyan Kakarot was discovered by the kind-hearted martial artist, Son Gohan, who adopted him and gave him the name Goku. Initially violent due to his Saiyan instincts, a head injury transformed him into a loving, cheerful protector of the planet.
From that point forward, Goku’s journey intertwined with Earth’s fate. He trained tirelessly under great masters, forged unbreakable friendships, and stood as a beacon of hope in the face of overwhelming odds.
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